Goose Spit Sunset Portraits - Courtenay Photographer

Since I am almost half-way through my sunset dog portrait promotion I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite shots of the wonderful dogs I've met over the last month.

Charlie arrived early for his session so we had some fun running on the beach!

courtenay dog photography

You wouldn't know it from this photo, but the night I photographed Tyson the wind almost blew us away! He was so focused and patient though. Good boy, Tyson.

comox portrait photographer

Every night I go out the sunset is completely different. It's amazing. Roca kept a keen eye on her owner, Jules. I don't think she was as excited about the sunset as I was.

goose spit dog

Yoshi is adorable and has lots of personality. He did stop long enough for a few shots but mostly had fun running in the sand. I like it when the tide's out so we have lots of room to spread out.

photographer comox

And here's one last one that I love. Even though the dogs didn't look all that enthused to be cuddling, Jules is obviously enjoying the experience!

portrait photographer comox

There's still time to get in on my sunset portrait promotion, which goes until June 30. Click here to get in touch!



Jessica's Grad Photo Shoot - Courtenay Photographer


Limited Edition Sunset Portraits for Dogs!